Friday, July 18, 2014

Darling Girl Eyeshadow Leaking Jar Fix

Earlier today in r/indiemakeupandmore it was pointed out the slight leaking issue that the Darling Girl square eyeshadow jars have (reference post). Now, I'd noticed this before, but it wasn't that huge of a deal in my particular case. It might have helped that I left the sifters in the jars as they didn't bother me too much (I know there are some people who hate them, which is a completely valid opinion and personal preference), but nonetheless I had always noticed that when opening the jar there was always a bit of eyeshadow that inevitably ended up around the threads of the jar and falling out causing a bit of a mess and just a waste of product. Decided to see if I could possibly find a solution to this issue and tried putting teflon plumber's tape (which is usually applied to threaded pipes/fittings to seal them better and has also been known to help sealing up perfume sample vials for shipping) on the threading of the jar to see if I could get a tighter seal. I documented the process below in case anybody wanted to see my results.

Teflon tape is VERY cheap (easily less than two bucks) and can be found at any store that has even a minimal DIY section.

Now, I wrapped the tape around about 3 times and it seemed I got a much tighter and more secure feeling seal on the jar. 

Prior to putting the teflon tape on, closing and opening the jar always felt a bit... gritty/rough, like it wasn't seated quite right. Afterwards, the lid seemed to close much more easily it was no longer rough feeling at all. And it also seemed like it could take another layer or so of teflon without ending up with too much.

Now I know it's not the best looking or the most ideal way to handle the situation, and I obviously haven't done thorough testing, but it preliminary results are quite promising and maybe this would help out anybody whose been having similar issues who doesn't want to move the product into different jars. It didn't take very long and it didn't cost much, so I'd recommend at least trying it. Let me know if you do and how it worked out for you or if you find a better solution!

Thanks for reading!

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